360 Pro Virtual Reality Camera - 6k Modified GoPro Entaniya Rig

Owned by Sidney S

50% response rate

Fat Llama covers damages up to $30,000 per item


You will get this 360 rig setup and ready to go for your 360 video shooting needs. It shoots up to 6K footage, though the standard is 4k. I will give you pointers on how to use it if you are not familiar with shooting 360 video. You will need to stitch the footage together to make it viewable/editable. The software to do this is >$1000 itself and I will include 1 video stitching (up to 10 minutes) per day's rental. Additional stitching will be extra.


Fat Llama covers damages up to $30,000 per item

Cancellation Terms

In case of cancellation 2 days before the rental period, 100% of the rental amount is refunded. If canceled one day before the rental period, 50% of the rental amount is refunded. If you cancel the same day the rental period starts, no refund is made.