
Has been renting our things out since 2019


Usually responds within a few hours

33% response rate


At One World Rental, IT rental are just the tip of the iceberg. We hire the latest cutting-edge rental technology and technical event solutions. This includes software, hardware, delivery, installation, Wi-Fi installation, and a technical on-site presence for any size event, anywhere in the world. When you call, we'll listen, understand your unique business requirements, and offer you a fully customized experience. One World Rental are experts in designing, planning and managing technology rental for your event regardless of scale or location. We have a proven track record of successful global deliveries in over 50 countries including the U...

S, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Argentina, Austria, Russia, Singapore, Seoul, Panama and the Ivory Coast. We travel where other agencies don't, and we currently have more IT rental equipment hired throughout the world than any other IT business out there. We're not limited by unusual service requests or location, and we thrive on a challenge. Our expert technicians will attend your event to ensure that every technical aspect runs flawlessly.

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