Sit down old school arcade video 2 person

Owned by Aline D

Fat Llama covers damages up to $30,000 per item


Enjoy the two person sit down old-school video arcade game! It has miss Pac-Man, donkey kong, and, Galaga and much Much more! You can check the settings on your own whether you want to require it to charge 2 quarters for the game or you can turn this setting off and it can be played for free. It’s in perfect condition and is definitely a crowd pleaser!


Fat Llama covers damages up to $30,000 per item

Cancellation Terms

In case of cancellation 2 days before the rental period, 100% of the rental amount is refunded. If canceled one day before the rental period, 50% of the rental amount is refunded. If you cancel the same day the rental period starts, no refund is made.