Andrew G

Has been renting our things out since 2022



Usually responds within a few hours

100% response rate


I am distinctly old school, having used Nikon in the days of film. I originally switched to Olympus 4/3 for the light weight, compact cameras - you are more likely to get pictures if you can take the camera with you! Olympus cameras have outstanding In Body Image Stabilisation, and Zuiko lenses are renowned for their superb performance. My switch to Micro Four Thirds made it even easier to take cameras even when not planning to take pictures! I have a useful set of Micro Four Thirds lenses which cover most needs, including video. I often prefer my older 4/3 zoom lenses for their wider apertures and robustness, and I have almost the entire...

Olympus range of Standard Grade ones, plus a few High Grade and Super Grade ones, covering 7mm to 300mm focal lengths, most offering f:2.8 at the wide end of the zoom. Auto focus with 4/3 lenses is not as fast as with MFT lenses on MFT cameras, and only really work well with the M1 series. Of course, many situations require manual focus anyway, and they can be used on the M5 and M10 models in manual focus mode. 4/3 lenses are mostly metal, and bigger and heavier than the Micro Four Thirds equivalent, but more robust, and it is hard to beat f:300mm at f:5.6 (equivalent of 600mm in full frame) on an E-M1 Mk ii at only 1kg! I can provide a 4/3 to MFT adaptor at no extra charge for interested MFT users. (Please state whether you require an Olympus or Panasonic adaptor - I have both, and the correct one _is_ needed). I can normally do handovers at any reasonable time of day, but it helps if you can give me a couple of days notice.

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