
Erde 102 trailer



7 Days +


31 Days +


Erde 102 trailer


Erde 102 trailer for rental. I will also consider moving items on your behalf using the trailer eg garden waste etc - small moving job. Cost for this to be negotiated depending on the job - please message me for details, happy to discuss your requirements. The trailer includes a mesh cage (increases the height of the trailer) and waterproof top/cover. The trailer is 1.06m long by 0.85m wide is a small light weight trailer ideal for camping...

and light household chores. Max weight: 245kg Please note you must provide your own registration plate for your vehicle. This must be a proper registration plate as supplied by a company such as this ... https://www.ukregplates.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw3a2iBhCFARIsAD4jQB0P6vQbNgkLSkLCqSAbSrnxApQE9gflSWOlpiZ0BX4mbFw1OlmKCpsaAtkDEALw_wcB Sorry but ... NO REG PLATE = NO RENTAL. HAND WRITTEN REG PLATES NOT ACCEPTED. You must also have a tow bar with electric connection. The trailer has a seven point connection but uses an extension if your vehicle has a 13 point connection. Also comes with spare wheel.

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SK4 (Stockport)

Item owned by Mark

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Hi I live in Stockport in Greater Manchester. I'm into the outdoors, walking and camping and rent out some of my kit when I'm not using it - and my trailer. If you need some stuff moving using the trailer - get in touch and I can see if I can help. H...

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Erde 102 trailer

Mark in Stockport



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31 Days +


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